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Monday, July 14, 2008

What? New cake?

One fine sunny day, one of my customers asked me weather I could make a different cake as a surprise because the whole family knows all my cakes.
I asked my son,"What shall we do?"
He said, "Mum,why don't you bake my favorite cake? Why don't u sell that?"

I was thinking then, I thought "What?New cake? Oh well, let's give it a try..."

*about 3 hours later*

Listening to this song and baking:

Here is the product:

"Suggee Cake With Icing"

Current Price
MYR 50

Size and Weight

Square type and weight approximately 1.3kgs


This is my son's favourite because its made with almonds. The best part is this cake is like "wine"..... the longer u keep it, the taste gets better and better.
He loves to eat this cake after 3 days. He says, "That's the time when all the love comes into the cake"
How sweet......

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